Medications at School
Medications at School
- The written order of a physician/ NP/ PA specifying diagnosis, medication, (possible side effects), dosage, route of administration, and the frequency and timing for administering this medication.
- The signed permission of the parent/ guardian, requesting the school personnel administer the medication as ordered by the medical provider.
- The parent/ guardian must provide the medication in the original container that clearly indicates date, name of child and physician, name of medication, dosage and frequency, and medication expiration date. Prescription medications must be in a pharmacy labeled container.
- Medication must be brought in by parent or designated adult.
- Self-carry of epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma rescue inhalers is permitted with above order and permissions on file and after the school nurse has checked the self-carry medication and performed any necessary medication teaching with the student.
Medication orders may be submitted on the doctor's office form, as long as it has all of the listed elements) or you can download and use the school form. A medical provider and parent attestation form is also required for students to self-carry and self-administer emergency medications at school and school-sponsered events.
Additional Plans
For students with specific medical concerns, the school nurse may request more specific information and a detailed medical plan from the healthcare provider and parent/ guardian. Below are examples of such plans:
Allergy Emergency Care Plan (FARE)
Diabetes Medical Management Plan (ADA)
Seizure Action Plan (Epilepsy)