

    If during the school year, your child is absent or late for school, please contact Mrs. Connor in the Main Office at 518-632-5222 ext 307.  Encouraging consistent attendance helps children get better grades, develop healthy life habits, and have a better chance of graduating from high school. If your child is absent, please provide a written excuse when your child returns to school.

    Late Buses

    Late buses will run Tuesday through Thursday.  Late buses will depart HCS at 3:10. Students should use this time to receive extra help and support from teachers. Students waiting for sports practice to begin, but are not staying after with a teacher may stay in the cafeteria until 3:10.

    Cell Phones

    Students may bring their cell phones to school and are permitted to use them appropriately when classes are not in session.  Cell phones are not allowed in the classrooms and should be stored in student lockers if brought into the school building. Students will be allowed to use cell phones between classes and during lunchtime.  Failure to comply with this expectation will result in disciplinary action according to the Code of Conduct.

    Student Involvement

    I encourage all students to participate in a minimum of one club and/or sports team this school year.  Research shows that students who are involved in extracurricular activities have higher grades, more positive attitudes toward school, and higher academic aspirations. Get involved! Check out the district website for a list of extracurricular activities.


    Communication is key to student success. Students should check their school email on a regular basis. Here are other ways for parents and students to stay informed on what is happening in the district.

    • SchoolTool Parent Portal for students and parents. Students and parents can access grades, attendance, schedule, etc. Parents contact Mrs. Shaw in the Guidance Office to set up an account. Students will use their HCS log in.
    • District website www.hartfordcsd.org. Check the website regularly for the most current information.
    • Hartford Central School Facebook. See what great things are happening in the district.
    • School Messanger. Automated phone messages and emails with important information and reminders.
    • Aktivate (formerly Schedule Galaxy). Find all district events including sports, concerts, and ceremonies under the Events/Schedule Galaxy Tab on the district website.

    If, at any time during the school year, I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or ideas.  


    Mrs. Shelley Dupuis

    Middle/High School Principal


    518-632-5222 ext 307