


    Mrs. Megan Capone


    Algebra, Pre-Algebra, and 8th Grade Math Lab 

    (518)632-5222 x411 or mcapone@hartfordcsd.org

    All lessons and videos for each topic are available on www.emathinstruction.com. 
    QR codes are at the top of each lesson for easy access to the videos as well.



     Start studying now!


    www.emathinstruction.com This website is where all of our lessons come from.  

    http://mathbitsnotebook.com/Algebra1/Algebra1.html This website offers an online notebook.

    www.khanacademy.org and www.youtube.com both offer great tutorials

    www.purplemath.com and www.algebra.com allow you to search by topic as well. 

    Geometry students may find www.algebra.com to be helpful for the problems in which Algebra is applied to Geometric figures.

    is a website all students have a subscription too.  They have unlimited access to practice problems for every topic.

    https://www.engageny.org/resource/regents-exams-mathematics-algebra-i-sample-items offers the Sample Algebra Questions released by NY State Ed.  There are 2 sets of questions with answers.  


    Parents get involved too!  Take your children to the grocery store and have them calculate the numbers, show them the linear function on the gas pump (as more gallons go in, the price goes up at a constant rate), the dog food bin has a specific volume and the scoop also has a volume.  Have your son/daughter figure out the numbers of feedings before a new bag of food is needed to be purchased. If there are sales on the dog food calculate the percent savings.  Math is everywhere!


  • Basic Course Information:


    Pencil Pouch with the following items in it:
    Pencil Sharpener
    Ear buds (to use with chrome book)
    Ruler 6” or 12”

    Optional Items:
    Spiral Notebook or Binder with paper
    TI-84 Graphing Calculator: more information will be provided on Day 1


    • 35% Test 
    • 30% Homework     
    • 25% Quiz              
    • 10% Tickets              



    I will use the app this year and will provide the access code on Day 1 of instruction

  • Course Assignments and Assessments:

    Homework is assigned daily.  Algebra is a very fast paced course and therefore homework is assigned daily and is due the day after it was assigned.  I have a zero tolerance for late homework.  Late homework or incomplete homework will receive a score of a zero.

    Quizzes and Tests are given for each unit.  Assessment retakes are not available in this course. 

    Exit/Enter Tickets are given as needed through each unit, but only test the skills from one lesson. 

    Weekly Reviews are assigned on Mondays and are due on Fridays.    


  • Absentees for Algebra: 

    If your child is absent you can upload all assignments for Algebra on www.emathinstruction.com or directly from Google Classroom.  On EmathInstructon Click on Algebra 1 Common Core under the Free Textbook title.  Click into the appropriate unit number and all assignments are there.  The first link is for the classwork/homework and the "watch the video" link will take you to a YouTube video that aligns with the classwork.