• Mrs. Bonnie Winchester

    English 9, English 12, Senior Seminars, English 101, English 108

    For course-specific information, please refer to the District's Curriculum Guide.

  • Contact Information:

    518-632-5222 ext. 315

  • Classroom Rules:

    1. Arrive for class prepared to be an engaged learner. If you are late, please bring a pass. Consequences could include a warning, teacher lunch detention, teacher after school detention, call home, conference, or disciplinary referral.

    2. Per the HCS student handbook, food and drink aren't allowed outside the cafeteria. This is a food-free classroom. Covered water bottles are acceptable. 

    3. Cell phones and noise-canceling headphones are not permitted in the classroom. Please leave cell phones in a safe place. If they are brought into class, they should remain out of sight in the charging station. Consequences could include a warning, teacher lunch detention, teacher after school detention, call home, conference, or disciplinary referral.

    4. Raise your hand. Ask for help early and often. Remain engaged in learning activities bell to bell.

    NOTE: Extra school supplies are available. Please see me if you need any traditional items on your supply list.

  • Grading:

    1. Extra help conferences are available after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

    2. The School Tool grade book is visible through the Parent Portal. Grades are typically updated online at least once per week.

    3. Student learning experiences are designed and assessed based on NYS Next Generation, Technology, Literacy, and College/Career-Readiness Learning Standards.

    4. Per the HCS student handbook, cheating and plagiarism aren't tolerated. Plagiarized or copied assignments will receive a zero. Use MLA 8 formatted citations to credit sources. On collaborative assignments, every student must take an active and substantive role.